Friday, 17 April 2015

Douglas Gordon - Phantom 2011

'I think it's supposed to be about provoking enough of a memory that people take it away and do their own thing with it. For me, artwork... is something that you should be able to take away—you don't have to be present in front of it, and that's the potency of the artwork when it works.' —Douglas Gordon
This is a video of an eye, covered in black makeup, crying. The video is also in slow motion, and the slow motion makes the crying eye seem even more emotional to the viewer, its very intense sadness. What captured me about this piece is that I can relate this to my own work. Douglas Gordon is working with slow motion, which I also use often in my work, and also he is looking at emotions, which is something I am also becoming increasingly interested in. I like this idea also of provoking a memory that he talks of above in the quote, or provoking an emotion from the viewer.

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