Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Final Video Projection piece

I have decided that along with the kit bag with the iPad inside displaying 'the come down of loosing video, I am either going to project just the warm up video, or display two projections of the same warm up video but over lap them, so there is more going on, so it is more crazy and loud in contrast to the video inside the kit bag, which i explained in a previous post.
      I displayed the two photographs in my space, as i said i would. I was going to put them straight onto the wall, however there were lots of sticky tape marks on it, and had smudges, so i got a piece of A2 card which i stuck onto the wall, then put the photos onto of the white card. The photos looked better against the white as well, they didn't look right against the off white/cream colour of the walls. This works well as a piece, but If I had more time, or if i did it again, i would get the photo to the left printed much larger, so there is more of a contrast.
      As shown in the photo below, I have a chair underneath the photo piece to put my printed blog and note book onto. I might also put an iPad there as well so that they can view the videos on my blog, rather then just seeing the still pictures of them in the printed version.

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Displaying photos for a final piece

 I have had another idea for a final piece. Along with the videos, I was thinking of putting a photography piece in my studio space along with my printed blog, note book and iPad to view videos on.
I was thinking about Milo loosing the nationals, and how he felt so low, then i thought about when he won his next fight and he felt on top of the world. There are two very extreme emotions felt in boxing depending on the outcome. When you win you feel invincible, and when you loose you feel so small, so insignificant. I have shown this is my video piece, with the small video and the big projection, so i wanted to reflect this in photographs as well. I decided to print a picture of milo of after he won his bout which i took on the home show. I printed it to fill a piece of A4 photo paper, then i got a video still from when i videoed him after he lost the nationals sitting on the bench in the changing rooms with his head down and printed it out really tiny. I am then going to display these next to each other on the wall. Showing the insignificance he felt when he lost compared to the high he felt when he won. the emotional difference.

Monday, 11 May 2015

Displaying My final piece

Along with the iPad screen inside the kit bag playing the come down of loosing video I am also going to have a projection. My original thoughts was to have the warm up video playing on its own as a big projection, this then being loud would create an intimidating effect to the vulnerable video displayed in the kit bag. It would also show the before and after of the fight, the invisible feeling he felt when he was warming up, and then the unimportant gutted feeling he felt after the fight, when he lost. However, after trying out projections today, I really like the idea of overlapping two videos of movements together, for example a close up of foot movement and a close up of punching a bag. This would still fit with the idea, because the video would be loud, and it would be a busy projection with lots going on. This would then still be intimidating the little video inside the kit bag. It would also represent the fast pace of the competition that he was in, how much was going on in one place, then in contrast to this would be the video of him upset in slow emotion hidden in a kit bag for the viewer to find.

Instead of just overlapping the centre of the video I tried overlapping the whole video. To do this I literally put the projector onto of the other projector. 
This would work really well with an up close video of foot movement or gloves punching a punch bag because then the movements would really mix up, would be interesting to try.

I tried out overlapping projections as well. I placed the projectors side by side which made the centre merge together. I again used the same video on both projectors, but played them at different times so that they weren't synchronised. This meant that they were both displaying different movements and were really contrasting one another which worked well with the overlap.

Here is a video of projecting combined with displaying on a TV monitor. I used the same video here, was interesting having a small screen and a big projection, I was considering playing 'the come down of loosing' video on the monitor and the pre fight warm up on the projection, however I think I am going to stick with playing it inside a kit bag, how I tried it before.